we're all fifty shades of fucked up

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« You're trapped in your past, like it's six feet under » I need to say only one thing, my dear friend: life is not an excuse. You have to save time to do what you want to do. No matter what, no matter when. Life is strange, life is short. Take your fucking time and be happy.
It's like an avalanche I feel myself go under
I O N Y S I A | Giusy - Classe 1995. Lavoratrice a tempo perso, trascorro il poco tempo libero che ho a disposizione a fare cose... tante cose. Passo da un'ossessione ad un'altra, per mantenermi sana di mente. Modalità Bring Me The Horizon: on!
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I am an ocean, I am the sea
There is a world inside of me
Lost in the abyss, drowned in the deep
No set of lungs could salvage me